In January, the IRS issued a generic legal advice memo on periodic adjustments and the arm’s length standard. Although the “GLAM” states that it merely “clarifies” and “updates” a prior memo, it contains insights into the IRS’s aggressive thinking on this topic. And the very fact that the IRS issued the memo now suggests that disputes over periodic adjustments are heating up in audits and litigation.
Background. The new memo “addresses the relationship” between “the general arm’s length standard” and “the specific periodic adjustments rules” in the section 482 regulations. Since 1986, the second sentence of section 482 has required the income from the transfer of intangible property to “be commensurate with the income attributable to the intangible.” The agency takes the position that this statutory language authorizes the IRS (and only the IRS) to adjust the income of a transferor of IP based on the actual income earned by the transferee. The agency views these “periodic adjustments” as a necessary palliative when considering IP with a high—but uncertain—profit potential.
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